As a business grows and evolves it is important to reflect on this and reinvestigate what the company stands for and where it’s headed. We have put into words the core beliefs and aspirations that drive our company and then we aligned our visual identity alongside that. As we have already elaborated the changes in our look within the previous blog on rebranding, today we are going to share more about the core that is standing behind these visuals. Also, we are going to explore how vital the mission, vision and values are to the company itself.
So actually how important are mission, vision and company values?
Mission and vision are at the heart of everything a company does. The mission statement describes why the company exists and what the intentions are that stand behind its products and services. It’s all about a company’s purpose. On the other hand, the vision statement describes what the company is striving for or what it is ultimately trying to achieve through this mission.
To simplify it, the mission is what the company does in the present moment, while the vision is where it aspires to be in the future.
Mission, vision and company values go hand in hand. The company values are the principles and beliefs that guide all decisions and actions the company takes. Thus, they directly influence the mission and vision, which means that all these should be perfectly aligned.
What was the process of defining our mission and vision?
In order to define the mission and vision we did a lot of brainstorming and deep analysis. The process of crafting our mission began with a series of questions about our purpose. How does the work we do matter to other people and businesses? What are the changes we are trying to make or the crucial value that we want to add?
Once we had a clear understanding of our company’s purpose and direction, we summed up all our goals into one, which is to help businesses and people get out of the boundaries that hold them back. We exist to support growth, and the growth of all we are associated with matters, whether those are internal or external connections of the company. Quadrix Soft’s mission is ‘To inspire and support others to outgrow themselves’ no matter how big the challenges are.
By outgrowing yourself you:
- Break out of constraints that hold you back and
- Accelerate your success to the next level
Because even when you believe all the possibilities have been used or you have mastered your work, there is still room for improvement.
The company’s goal is to support the growth of all our teammates and help each other to overcome challenges so that we are all able to outgrow ourselves.
We believe this is the foundation to support our clients in doing the same. In order to drive the growth of others, you must first be growth-oriented yourself. Using our development solutions, we help our clients to grow different segments of their businesses.
We aspire to be the best in providing support and inspiration for success. Our vision is: “To be the strongest driving force on the thriving journey.”
Driving force is the energy that propels you forward and enables growth. It is the spark of change that gets you going.
A thriving journey is a path toward endless advancement and growth.
Our aspiration is to be the ones with whom your most significant progress begins.
In addition to the growth-oriented attitude, our team also embodies many other values, traits, and beliefs that make us strong. So, let’s explore what are the values that shape our company culture.
Quadrix Soft’s values

We are curious and growth-oriented. Advancement is every kind of improvement for us. Improvement of the way we operate, improvement of our products, of the way we serve companies, or on the most simplistic or basic level, improvement of our knowledge and skills.

We always strive to come up with the best possible version of our work and stay committed to team play.

Empowerment is all about the true support, help, encouragement and recognition we give to both our teammates and clients.

We respect the differences and adjust our care to them. We communicate transparently and honestly.

Stability for us is about reliability and resilience.
We don’t give up on our values and principles no matter what circumstances come across. You can count on our integrity and business consistency. On the other hand, we are able to upfront turbulent and challenging periods strategically by being flexible and introducing changes to work appropriately.

We don’t wait to see what will happen and react afterward. We anticipate obstacles that may appear in front of us and think about how to prevent them from happening.
A very important aspect that runs through all our values is the idea of togetherness. Our team strives to make the most of the connections between us. By mixing knowledge, skills and different perspectives we come up with big ideas. Success comes from acting in an encouraging, helpful and caring manner. We strongly believe in the power of team play. With support and unity, thriving knows no boundaries. Together we thrive.